
Your Task

Following the briefing your small team of Ofsted inspectors have been asked to carry out an investigation and to complete a report of your findings.

You have been asked to investigate the circumstances leading up to, during and following the residential activity break.

Relevant documents to assist your investigation at this stage can be accessed from the links below.

Question to Consider

Consider the actions of those involved at this stage of the proceedings. What, if any concerns do you have?

Action One

When you have reflected and formed an opinion on the actions of those involved at this stage compile your thoughts on your individual project blog.

Action Two

When you have completed your blog post use your thoughts to compose a post of your views and post it to your group project wiki.

Blog Link Wiki Link

The party arrive at the activity centre to begin their field trip. What happens there is outlined in the field trip brief together with the activity centre directions and the ensuing staff discussion.

Staff Discussion

The staff discuss the situation onsite.

Staff meeting

Question to Consider

In your professional view have the actions of the group leader caused you any concerns?

Action One

Reflect on the actions of the group leader and post your thoughts to your individual project blog.

Action Two

When you have completed your blog post your response into your group project wiki.

Blog Link Wiki Link

After the residential the staff discuss the situation and give their opinions while the principal discusses the whole situation with management.

Staffroom Discussion

The staff discuss the Karen's situation.

Staffroom discussion

Principal and Line Manager Discussion

The Principal speaks to Karen's line manager.

Principal meeting

What do you think?

Drawing on your previous reflections and after reviewing the supporting material at this stage.

Aanalyse the effect of this incident on the judgement of the college's leadership and management grade.

Compile your views in your project blog and use this to contribute to the group report in your project wiki.

Blog Link Wiki Link

Compiling your group report

Consider the findings of your group and produce a group report to be submitted electronically to the lead inspector.

Your report should not exceed 750 words and should be appropriately referenced.

Blog Link Wiki Link
Evaluation Criteria