
Different size groups pose different challenges, how do you cope?

Lack of Attention

Its obvious when a learners attention wanders.

Often sat by a window, playing with a phone or otherwise distracted, they can happily while away lessons paying little or no attention to what is going on.

They will eventually need more of your attention to clarify, reinforce or explain the activity or lesson content.

Do you treat this as a minor irritation or a more serious disruption. Reflect on situations you have encountered and note your strategies before discussing your conclusions with your colleagues.

lack of attention

Mobiles in Class

They are with us in the classroom and have some positives included access to specific learning applications.

On the negative side there is the potential distraction of text messages and phones going off during class.

What are your expectations and how do you deal with students when their phone becomes a distraction?

Reflect on situations you have encountered and note your strategies before discussing your conclusions with your colleagues.

 mobiles in class

Persistent Latecomers

You’re already five minutes into the lesson and a student walks in late.

This can often be a disruptive influence for you and your learners. How do you handle the disruption?

Do you have a strategy for dealing with latecomers and persistent absentees?

Reflect on situations you have encountered and note your strategies before discussing your conclusions with your colleagues.


Lack of Resources

At times the resources available are simply not enough for some classes. The tutors in the podcast are discussing their problems, listen to what they have to say.

Is it about making the most of what you have in your learning environment or have you found innovative ways to overcome inadequate resources?

Reflect on situations you have encountered and note your strategies before discussing your conclusions with your colleagues.
